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Products Sectors / Food Service / Marinades and Glazes

Marinades and Glazes

We here at Spice O' Life have developed a range of marinades under the Presto brand.

These are ideal multi-functional products for marinating, grilling and barbequing in the foodservice industry.

Simply a must have in your kitchen for all those little jobs!

In this product sector there are two types of marinades:

1. Dry Glazes

2. Oil Marinades

Oil marinades offer an almost instant hit of flavour, whereas, the glazes perform best when they are left to marinate for at least 12 hours.

Product Pack Size Description
Chinese Dry Glaze 750g A sweet glaze rich in Star Anise, Garlic and Aniseed.
The ideal glaze for pork ribs, chicken wings and duck fillets.
Succulent to say the least.
Hot & Spicy Glaze 750g A sweet yet spicy glaze ideal for chicken wings.
Summer Salsa 750g As the name suggests, this is the ideal marinade for chicken thighs, drums and wings for those summer BBQ events.
Cook in volume in the oven and finish on the BBQ.
Zesty Lemon & Garlic 500g This is a very nice oil marinade for warm chicken salads or on parcels of monkfish tails.
Very popular with our foodservice customers.
Tandoori Oil Marinade 500g If